
ISAR - International Scientific and Research Journals

Scholary Peer Reviewed Research Publishing Journals

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ISAR -About

ISAR (International Scientific and Research Journals, An International Open Access Journal) explores advances in research pertaining to applied, theoretical and experimental Technological studies. The goal of ISAR is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, students, and practitioners working in and around the world.ISAR is an open access journal, this has been facilitated keeping the point in mind that more often authors use to get help while researching to their research topics and references for their projects, that exactly shows the weight-age of your research work then how great it would be when you will be of any use to a talent and more over they would mention your name and profile to their index carrying reference.


    1. ISAR is an International, Peer reviewed, Open Access Journal.
    2. Paper publishing process is relatively fast and easy.
    3. Open access journal database for high visibility and promotion of your articles.
    4. Authors can download their full length paper at any time.
    5. Author's queries shall be resolved within 24 hours of time.

All manuscripts are subject to rapid peer review. Those of high quality (not previously published and not under consideration for publication in another journal) will be published without delay.